Go to Sermons from [2021], [2022], [Current Year]
December 31/23 Epiphany God's Promise Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 2:1-23
December 24/23
Advent IV, Christmas Eve
A Series of
Readings and Reflections
Pr. Linda Douglas Luke 1:5-13,26-45; 2:1-20;
Matthew 2:1-11;
John 1:1-5,14; 3:16-17
December 17/23 Advent III Deep Joy Pr. Jim Hill Luke 1:46-55 (Mary's Song)
December 10/23 Advent II Only God Has the Power to Restore Pr. Linda Douglas Ezra 1:1-4; 3:1-4, 10-13
December 3/23 Advent I The Power of Scripture Pr. Linda Douglas 2 Kings 22:1-10,14-20; 23:1-3
November 26/23 Pentecost 26
Reign of Christ
The Lord's Kingdom Pr. Linda Douglas Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5
November 19/23 Pentecost 25 Advice for End Times Pr. Jim Hill 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
November 12/23 Pentecost 24 The Limitless Love of God Pr. Linda Douglas Hosea 11:1-11
November 5/23 Pentecost 23 Kingdom Divided Pr. Linda Douglas 1 Kings 12:1-17, 25-29
October 29/23 Pentecost 22 Reformation 2023 Pr. Jim Hill Romans 3:19-28
October 22/23 Pentecost 21 The Lord of the Dance Pr. Linda Douglas 2 Samuel 5:1-5;6:11-15;Psalm 150
October 15/23 Pentecost 20 Thy Kingdom Come Pr. Jim Hill Matthew 22:1-14
October 8/23 Pentecost 19 Ten Commandments for Today Pr. Linda Douglas Deuteronomy 5:1-21;6:4-9
October 1/23 Pentecost 18 God's Reluctant Prophet Pr. Linda Douglas Exodus 1:8-14[15-2:10];3:1-15
September 24/23 Pentecost 17 Jacob Wrestles God Pr. Linda Douglas Genesis 32:22-3:4
September 17/23 Pentecost 16 God Keeps God's Promises Pr. Linda Douglas Genesis 18:1-15;21:1-7
September 10/23 Pentecost 15 God Creates Humans Pr. Linda Douglas Genesis 2:4b-25
September 03/23 Pentecost 14 Let Everything That Lives
   Praise the Lord
Pr. Linda Douglas Psalm 146
August 27/23 Pentecost 13 Wait for the Lord Pr. Linda Douglas Psalm 40
August 20/23 Pentecost 12 My Light and My Salvation Pr. Linda Douglas Psalm 27
August 13/23 Pentecost 11 A Prayer for Help Pr. Linda Douglas Psalm 69
August 6/23 Pentecost 10 "Lord, teach us to pray." Pr. Linda Douglas Psalm 100
July 30/23 Pentecost 9 The Whole Armour of God Pr. Linda Douglas Ephesians 6:10-20
July 23/23 Pentecost 8 Unity Within the Community Pr. Linda Douglas Ephesians 4:1-16
July 16/23 Pentecost 7 Oneness and Peace in Christ Pr. Linda Douglas Ephesians 2:11-22
July 9/23 Pentecost 6 Chosen by God Pr. Linda Douglas Ephesians 1:1-14
July 2/23 Pentecost 5 The Song of Songs Pr. Linda Douglas Song of Solomon 2:8-13, 8:6-7
June 25/23 Pentecost 4 A Time for Everything Pr. Linda Douglas Ecclesiastes 1:1-11; 3:1-17
June 18/23 Pentecost 3 Woman Wisdom Pr. Linda Douglas Proverbs 8:1-11, 22-36
June 11/23 Pentecost 2 Trusting and Fearing God Pr. Linda Douglas Proverbs 1:1-7; 3:1-8
June 4/23 Trinity Creative, Ethical, Mystical Pr. Linda Douglas Isaiah 6:1-8
May 28/23 Pentecost The Story of God's Love Pr. Linda Douglas Romans 8:18-39 - Acts 2:1-4
May 21/23 Easter 7 Ascension Pr. Linda Douglas Acts 1:1-11
May 14/23 Easter 6 God's Love Poured Out Pr. Linda Douglas Romans 3:25-30, 5:1-11
May 7/23 Easter 5 Paul's First Letter to the Romans Pr. Linda Douglas Romans 1:1-17
April 30/23 Easter 4 The Commissioning of Paul Pr. Linda Douglas Acts 13:1-3, 14:8-18
April 23/23 Easter 3 Radical Inclusion Pr. Linda Douglas Acts 10:1-38
April 16/23 Easter 2 Nothing is Impossible for God Pr. Jim Hill John 20:19-31
April 9/23 Easter Sunday The Resurrection Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 28:1-10
April 7/23 Maundy Thursday/Good Friday Judas - Betrayer or Betrayed? Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 27:27-61
April 2/23 Passion Sunday The Royal Acclamation Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 21:1-17
March 26/23 Lent 5 The Parable of the Talents Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 25:14-30
March 19/23 Lent 4 You are God's Coin Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 22:15-22
March 12/23 Lent 3 The Wedding Feast Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 22:1-14
March 5/23 Lent 2 Love or Justice? Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 20:1-16
February 26/23 Lent 1 Forgiveness Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 18:15-35
February 19/23 Transfiguration Moments of Glory Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 17:1-9
February 12/23 Epiphany 6 The Feeding of the 5,000 Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 14:13-33
February 5/23 Epiphany 5 The Lord's Prayer Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 6:1-21
January 29/23 Reconciling in Christ Sunday The Beatitudes Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 5:1-20
January 22/23 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Goats and Sheep Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 25:31-40
January 15/23 Epiphany 2 The Temptations of Christ Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 4:1-17
January 8/23 Baptism What is Your Name? Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 3:1-17
January 1/23 Epiphany The Magi and the Epiphany Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 2:1-12
December 24/22 Christmas Eve Christmas Passion Pr. Linda Douglas Luke 2:1-20
December 18/22 Advent IV The Love of Joseph and Mary Pr. Linda Douglas Matthew 1:18-25
December 11/22 Advent III The Lord's Chosen Servant Pr. Linda Douglas Isaiah 42:1-9
December 4/22 Advent II For a Time Such as This Pr. Linda Douglas Esther 4:1-17
November 27/22 Advent I How Long, O Lord? Pr. Linda Douglas Habakkuk 1:1-4;2:2-4;3:17-19
Go to Sermons from [2021], [2022], [Current Year]

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Matthew: 2022-2023
Mark: 2023-2024